
Wash Your Clothes and Sip Coffee

Let’s admit it. Laundry is the least favorite household chore for most of us. It takes most of our time, even when we bring them to the laundromat. However, there’s one thing we should realize, even when the laundromat has a laundry service blog, if you do not know how to enjoy your free time, then you would still see laundry day as daunting.

Have a relaxing laundry day by washing your clothes and sipping coffee. Visit a laundry service with a design-focused concept, a fusion of a laundromat and café. You do not have to be stuck in a regular laundromat and tolerate uncomfortable seats.

Most of these design-focused laundromats and cafés aim to create an open workspace. It is best for people who have to catch up on some work or grab a coffee with friends while washing their clothes. You are hitting two birds with one stone on this.

What you can do while waiting for your clothes?

Besides sipping coffee, we have some laundry waiting tips that you can do.

  • Bring the current book you are reading. Books and coffee are the best combinations. When you read, you zone out and forget that you are waiting for your laundry. 
  • Listen to music. If music is the best escape to relax your mind, bring your headphones and listen to your jam while waiting. Sit back and relax. You can even create a playlist for laundry day. 
  • Do work. Sometimes we have to attend to urgent work calls or tasks. If you happen to do your laundry at this type of laundromat, then you do not have to worry. You can openly work while having a coffee. 
  • Invite a friend over for chats. If you are having a hard time clearing your schedule to hang out with your friends, make laundry day the time to hang with them. This isn’t an ordinary laundromat, since it is adjacent to a coffee shop, you can chitchat while waiting for your laundry to finish.

These are the things you can do while waiting at the café. Be careful not to stain your clothes with coffee. It may be relaxing to sip coffee while waiting, but it becomes more stressful if that coffee lands on your favorite clothes.

If that situation happens, do not worry much. Pretreat the coffee stain immediately and take care of it at home. If you brought extra clothes, you can pretreat the stained clothes with cold water and liquid detergent before tossing them in the washer. There’s something you should remember if this happens to you, do not include the stained clothes in the dryer. Let it air dry at home. The heat in the dryer will set the coffee stain.

Final Takeaway

You want to break the stigma that washing clothes is the most daunting chore. If laundry is a burden for you, or you find it a waste of time, do something that can make you feel more productive than just doing laundry— wash clothes and sip coffee.

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